Carlos D. Correa, Ph.D.

Selected Publications

Images and Demos

More Info


Carlos D. Correa is a computer scientist and software engineer, interested in data analytics, visualization, computer vision and computer graphics.

He currently works at Google, rendering the Earth on the Web. Before joining Google, he was a computer scientist at LLNL and was a postdoc at the University of California, Davis.

He has authored over 50 articles in top tier conferences and journals, including Siggraph, KDD and IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. He has also served as part of the international program committee of IEEE Vis and Infovis, Pacific Vis and Eurovis, and peer-reviews articles for IEEE TVCG, Siggraph, Eurographics, Computer Graphics Forum, among others.

Scholar Stats

Publications58 Citations1478
h-index22 i10-index36
Number of Citations
Size-based transfer ... 167
Visibility histogram... 100
Feature aligned volu... 94
The occlusion spectr... 86
A framework for unce... 67
Proximity-based visu... 65
Dynamic video narrat... 64
Visibility-driven tr... 64
In vivo mapping of v... 48
Visual reasoning abo... 47
Illustrative deforma... 40
Visualizing social n... 39
A comparison of grad... 37
Flow-based scatterpl... 36
Topological spines: ... 34
Visualization by pro... 31
Discontinuous displa... 31
Towards robust topol... 26
Curve-centric volume... 24
A flexible architect... 24
An Exploratory Techn... 23
Manipulating, deform... 22
Dataset traversal wi... 22
Locally-scaled spect... 21
A Preview and Explor... 21
Explorable images fo... 21
Deforming and animat... 19
Constrained illustra... 18
Programmable shaders... 17
A rendering framewor... 16
Volume Deformation v... 16
Depicting time evolv... 15
The generalized sens... 14
Software framework f... 13
The mutual informati... 12
Social network disco... 10
Graph-based fire syn... 9
An optimization appr... 8
Semantic consistency... 8
Maintaining state co... 7
Regression cube: A t... 6
Cell phone mini chal... 6
Visualizing what lie... 5
Automatic registrati... 3
Visualizing 3D earth... 3
Flow visualization i... 3
Visibility guided mu... 2
Distance visualizati... 2
Visual analytics of ... 2
Do patents work for ... 2
A simplification arc... 2
Frequency Enhancemen... 1
Visualizing collisio... 1
Shape-Aware Focus an... 1
Illustrative Deforma... 1
Exact and heuristic ... 1
Collaboration in par... 1
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